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Add subtitle to Widget
Sometimes we may need to add some more information about the data displayed on the widget. i-button is an option to add this...
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Change line chart to Step chart
A step chart is a line chart in which points are connected by horizontal and vertical line segments, looking like steps of a staircase....
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Dynamic widget title and axis label
There can be situations where we need to display widget title and axis labels based on selected item in filter. Here is a script to...
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Display total value in legend - Bar/Column/Area/Line chart
A column chart splits the data by one or more dimensions and we have to manually sum up or create a separate widget to find total value...
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Add background image to a widget
Below script allow us to add background image to a widget. Steps: Create a widget. (supported widget types : bar, column, area, line,...
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Set marker symbol for each category in line chart
Different marker symbols can be set to line chart based on its value (Y-axis) using this script. But in some cases we may need to set...
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Additional columns in CSV
When we export a widget as CSV, it just contains the widget's dimensions and measures. Additional measure columns that are not part of...
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Gradient color in bar/column/line/area chart
Below script will add gradient color to widget. Supported widget types are bar chart, column chart, line chart and area chart Steps:...
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Replace X-axis labels in a widget
We sometimes need to rename X-Axis labels to make them more meaningful. For example, if we have month numbers in a database, we can...
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Add pagination to Bar/Column chart
If a widget contain large number of bars/columns, it may be difficult to analyze the chart. In such case one option is to enable Auto...
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Line chart with image/icon markers
Its possible to set different shapes and icons as marker inline chart. Here is script to set different types of markers based on...
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Sort bar/columns/breakby manually
This script is to sort items in X-axis manually. Widget will display bar/columns in the order you specified in 'categories' list var...
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Add BreakBy filter to dashboard when click on stacked chart
If a user click on a stacked chart, Sisense will add dashboard filter for the dimension in 'Categories' panel, but not for dimension in...
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Enable shared tooltip in Sisense (display all 'breakby' items in tooltip)
If a 'breakby' column is added in Sisense widget, currently it shows value of one item at a time in tooltip. Here is a solution to...
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Add button to Sisense widget
Below script allow you to add a button in Sisense widget and specified URL will be opened when you click on it widget.on("ready",...
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Change background and font color of widgets in Sisense
Supported widget types : Line chart, Bar chart, Column chart, Pie chart, Scatter chart, Area chart widget.on('processresult',function(se,...
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Change position and color of legend items in Sisense
Sometimes we may need to move an item (or items) in legend to a specific position, for example moving 'N\A', 'Unknown', 'Not available'...
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Add target/benchmark line to a chart in Sisense
Below script allow us to plot a static target line in a chart. Supported chart types : Bar chart, Column chart, Line chart, Area chart...
503 views2 comments
Apply conditional colors to Markers in Sisense Line chart
Yes! Its possible to apply different colors to line chart markers based on its value. Here is the script for this...
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Add bands to Line Chart in Sisense
There can be scenarios where we need to understand in which level/band the value or category belongs to and the analysis will be easier...
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