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Button to change widget type
By default, only data designer can change the widget type. Below script will add buttons to a widget, so that user can change the widget...
Add description to Widget
Here is a method for adding detailed information about the chart and data that will always appear at the bottom of a widget. Steps:...
Add subtitle to Widget
Sometimes we may need to add some more information about the data displayed on the widget. i-button is an option to add this...
Change line chart to Step chart
A step chart is a line chart in which points are connected by horizontal and vertical line segments, looking like steps of a staircase....
Dynamic widget title and axis label
There can be situations where we need to display widget title and axis labels based on selected item in filter. Here is a script to...
Blox Template 2 - Cards
Here is a blox template for cool cards Blox Editor: { "style": "", "script": "", "title": "", "showCarousel": false, "body": [ { "type":...
Columns chart with Fixed Placement
Here is a method to convert a column chart to fixed placement columns (Chart showing overlapping placement of columns). Steps: Create a...
Hide widgets from a dashboard
Here is a script to hide one or widgets from a dashboard. (Its possible to modify the script so that a widget can be hide/unhide based on...
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