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Switchable Measure Dropdown
Here is a script to add a dropdown to switch between different measures/calculation. For example, in below screenshot, each item in...
Switchable Measure Buttons
Here is a script to add buttons to switch between different measures/calculation. For example, in below screenshot, each button represent...
Add Scrollbar to widget
If X-axis of a line chart, bar chart, column chart or area chart contains too many items, one option to view them is enable 'Auto Zoom'...
Total value in Column/Line chart
Using Blox we can visualize Total Value and sparkline to show values over time. Here is a widget script to create similar visualization...
Blox Filter Buttons
Here is a blox template and script to create filter buttons, where each buttons represent items in a table column. These buttons are...
Add i-Button in Dashboard
Currently there is an option to add description for each widget by click on i-button on title. But there is no i-button at dashboard...
Group bars in Column/Bar chart
Pie chart has an option to display top n slices and group rest of the slices to a single slice called 'Others' . While we click on that...
Remove pagination from pivot (infinite scroll)
In Sisense Pivot2, maximum items per page we can set is 200. Here is a script that remove pagination in pivot and enable infinite scroll....
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