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Colored labels in Table widget
If there are more rows in table widget its bit difficult to find a particular item from a column. But it will be easy if we applied...
Hide a Column from Table Widget
Sometimes we may need to hide a column from table widget, so that it will appear only in the downloaded CSV file. Here is a solution to...
Blox drop-down v2 - Without 'Apply' button
We know its possible to create a dropdown using blox. But it requires a button to apply the filter to dashboard. Here is a solution to...
Filter Buttons v2 - With 'All' button
We already have a script to add filter buttons in a widget. Here is an upgraded version of the script which will add another button 'All'...
Enable/Disable Pivot columns based on selected filter
Sometimes we need to hide or show few columns in pivot table based on a filter selected. Here is a script to achieve this. Steps: Create...
Widget Refresh Button
In Sisense, widgets will be refreshed when - we reload the dashboard - change any filters - click on refresh button which can be found in...
Buttons to Sort bars/columns
Sorting is very simple in Sisense. But this option is accessible only by chart editors. We can add buttons to sort the chart by name or...
Blox drop-down with 'All' selection
Here is a solution to create dropdown filter using blox which contains an additional 'All' element to filter all item in the column....
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