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Sort bar/columns/breakby manually
This script is to sort items in X-axis manually. Widget will display bar/columns in the order you specified in 'categories' list var...
Add BreakBy filter to dashboard when click on stacked chart
If a user click on a stacked chart, Sisense will add dashboard filter for the dimension in 'Categories' panel, but not for dimension in...
Pivot2 - Spread color from one column to entire row
Currently, in pivot, we can set colors to a column based on its value. In that case color will get applied to only that column. Below...
Hide export option from dashboard
This script allow dashboard owner to control which export options should be visible to other users for that dashboard. Add this script to...
Enable shared tooltip in Sisense (display all 'breakby' items in tooltip)
If a 'breakby' column is added in Sisense widget, currently it shows value of one item at a time in tooltip. Here is a solution to...
Add button to Sisense widget
Below script allow you to add a button in Sisense widget and specified URL will be opened when you click on it widget.on("ready",...
Python Script to export a Sisense widget to CSV
Here is the python script to export your Sisense widget to csv. Update the following variables in the script: localpath: Folder to which...
Change background and font color of widgets in Sisense
Supported widget types : Line chart, Bar chart, Column chart, Pie chart, Scatter chart, Area chart widget.on('processresult',function(se,...
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