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Sort bar/columns/breakby manually
This script is to sort items in X-axis manually. Widget will display bar/columns in the order you specified in 'categories' list var...
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Add BreakBy filter to dashboard when click on stacked chart
If a user click on a stacked chart, Sisense will add dashboard filter for the dimension in 'Categories' panel, but not for dimension in...
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Pivot2 - Spread color from one column to entire row
Currently, in pivot, we can set colors to a column based on its value. In that case color will get applied to only that column. Below...
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Hide export option from dashboard
This script allow dashboard owner to control which export options should be visible to other users for that dashboard. Add this script to...
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Enable shared tooltip in Sisense (display all 'breakby' items in tooltip)
If a 'breakby' column is added in Sisense widget, currently it shows value of one item at a time in tooltip. Here is a solution to...
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Add button to Sisense widget
Below script allow you to add a button in Sisense widget and specified URL will be opened when you click on it widget.on("ready",...
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Python Script to export a Sisense widget to CSV
Here is the python script to export your Sisense widget to csv. Update the following variables in the script: localpath: Folder to which...
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Change background and font color of widgets in Sisense
Supported widget types : Line chart, Bar chart, Column chart, Pie chart, Scatter chart, Area chart widget.on('processresult',function(se,...
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Align Pivot 2 to center of Sisense widget container
Below dashboard script will align Pivot2 to center of widget container dashboard.on('widgetready', function (se, args) { //widgetid of...
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Change position and color of legend items in Sisense
Sometimes we may need to move an item (or items) in legend to a specific position, for example moving 'N\A', 'Unknown', 'Not available'...
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Apply different colors for each bars in Sisense
There is an in-built feature in Sisense to set colors for bars based on its values. Also its possible to set colors if there is a column...
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Add target/benchmark line to a chart in Sisense
Below script allow us to plot a static target line in a chart. Supported chart types : Bar chart, Column chart, Line chart, Area chart...
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Apply conditional colors to Markers in Sisense Line chart
Yes! Its possible to apply different colors to line chart markers based on its value. Here is the script for this...
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Add bands to Line Chart in Sisense
There can be scenarios where we need to understand in which level/band the value or category belongs to and the analysis will be easier...
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Hide widget from PDF in Sisense
This dashboard script hide a specific widget row when exporting to PDF. dashboard.on('widgetready', function (se, ev) { //widgetid to...
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