Using Blox we can visualize Total Value and sparkline to show values over time. Here is a widget script to create similar visualization but with more features such as tooltip, click-and-filter functionality etc.

1. Create a line or column chart. Chart should contains only one dimension and one value panel.
2. Disable Legend, Value Label, Markers, X-Axis and Y-Axis in design panel (right side panel of widget in edit mode)
2. Add below script to widget. This script will show sum of values as single value at top-left corner
3. Save the script and refresh widget
ev.result.chart.backgroundColor = '#5181c9'
ev.result.xAxis.gridLineWidth = 0
ev.result.chart.spacing = [0, 10, 5, 10]
var totalAmount = 0
$.each(ev.result.series[0].data, function(index, value){
totalAmount = totalAmount + value.y
myItem = se.metadata.panels[1].items[0]
myMask = $$get(myItem, "format.mask", {})
var numberFormatter = prism.$injector.get('$filter')('numeric');
formattesValue = numberFormatter(totalAmount, myMask);
ev.result.subtitle = {
text: `Total Amount<br><span style="font-size:25px"> ${formattesValue} </span>`,
align: 'left',
style: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
widget.on('domready', function(se, ev){
$('.highcharts-root', element).css('background-color', '#5181c9')
widget.on('beforedatapointtooltip', function(se, ev){
ev.context.points[0].valueColor = '#4a4a4a'
In this script, I need the average of all values rather than sum. Can u please help