Here is the python script to export your Sisense widget to csv.
Update the following variables in the script:
localpath: Folder to which CSV file need to download
server Name: Name of server where Sisense is installed (first part of your dashboard URL)
username: Username(email) that you are using to login to Sisense.
password: Password to login your account
dashboardid: Id of dashboard where widget can be found
widgetid: Id of widget from where CSV need to downlead
import json
import requests
import urllib.parse
localpath = 'C:\Sisense\CSV_Files\\'
server_name = ''
username = 'enter sisense login name (email)'
password = 'enter your password here'
dashboardid = 'dashboard id'
widgetid = 'widget id'
login_url = server_name + '/api/v1/authentication/login'
dash_export_base_url = server_name + '/api/v1/dashboards/export?dashboardIds='
login_data = { 'username' : username,
'password' : password
# Generating token
login_res =, data=login_data).json()
access_token = login_res.get('access_token')
if len(access_token) > 0:
print('login successful')
api_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
'content-type': "multipart/form-data; boundary={}"}
# Get widget details
get_widget_url = server_name + '/api/v1/dashboards/' + dashboardid + '/widgets/' + widgetid
get_widget_res = requests.get(url=get_widget_url, headers=api_header).json()
widget_json = {}
widget_metadata = []
widget_json["datasource"] = get_widget_res.get("datasource")
panels = get_widget_res.get("metadata").get("panels")
#Add metadata from widget
for panel in panels:
items = panel.get("items")
for item in items:
if(not item.get("disabled") == True):
if (panel.get("name") == "filters"):
widget_metadata.append({"jaql" : item.get("jaql"), "panel":"scope"})
widget_metadata.append({"jaql" : item.get("jaql")})
dash_filter_ignore = get_widget_res.get("metadata").get("ignore")
ignore_list = dash_filter_ignore.get("dimensions")
#Add dashboard filters
if(dash_filter_ignore.get("all") == False):
dash_file = requests.get(url=dash_export_base_url + dashboardid, headers=api_header, allow_redirects=True).json()
dash_filters = dash_file[0].get("filters")
for dash_filter in dash_filters:
if(not dash_filter.get("disabled") == True and not dash_filter.get("jaql").get("dim") in ignore_list):
widget_metadata.append({"jaql" : dash_filter.get("jaql"), "panel":"scope"})
widget_json["metadata"] = widget_metadata
widget_json["format"] = "csv"
widget_json["widgetType"] = "pivot2"
widget_json["by"] = "export"
widget_json["isMaskedResponse"] = "true"
widget_json["filename"] = "widget.csv"
widget_json["download"] = "true"
widget_json["widget"] = widgetid
widget_json["dashboard"] = dashboardid
widget_json["culture"] = "en-US"
# Calling API to download CSV
datasource = urllib.parse.quote(get_widget_res.get('datasource').get('title'))
download_csv_url = server_name + '/api/datasources/' + datasource + '/jaql/csv?data=' + urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(widget_json))
donwloaded_csv =, headers=api_header, allow_redirects=True)
open(localpath + widgetid + '.csv', 'wb').write(donwloaded_csv.content)
print('CSV downloaded')
requests.get(server_name + '/api/v1/authentication/logout')