Below script to allow us convert a bar chart to progress bars.
Create a bar chart
Bar chart should contains only one field under 'Categories' and no field under 'Break by'
Calculation of first value panel should be 1 and convert to percentage (100%). This is the grey color background bar in the screenshot.
Second value panel contains actual calculation for bar chart.
2. Add below script to widget
3. Save the script and refresh widget
widget.on('processresult', function(se, ev){ = false
ev.result.yAxis[0].visible = false
ev.result.xAxis.gridLineWidth = 0
ev.result.xAxis.lineColor = 'transparent'
ev.result.series[0].dataLabels = {enabled : false}
ev.result.series[0].states = {
hover: {
enabled: false
$.each(ev.result.series, function(index, value){
value.borderRadius = 12
widget.on("beforedatapointtooltip", function (se, ev){
if(ev.context.points[0].seriesName == ev.widget.metadata.panels[1].items[0].jaql.title)