Here is a method for adding detailed information about the chart and data that will always appear at the bottom of a widget.

Create widget
Add below script to widget.
Update text to be displayed and set format of text
Save the script and refresh widget
descriptionSpace = 80
ev.result.chart.spacingBottom = descriptionSpace//to add required space to display description at bottom
//Bottom description
widget.on('domready', function(w, args){
text = 'This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. This is a description. '
chart = w.chart[0][Object.keys(w.chart[0])[0]].hc
chart.renderer.text(text, 15, chart.chartHeight - descriptionSpace+20)
width: chart.chartWidth-15,
color: '#a0a0a0',
'font-style': 'italic'