By default, in Area Map, tooltip shows limited information like name of country/state and one calculated value. Below script allow us to add more information to tooltip.

widget.on("beforequery", function (se, ev) {
var newJaql = {
jaql : {
//agg:'max', //enable this if you need to display aggreated value
column: "Region", //Colum name
datatype: "text",
dim: "[Records.Region]", //table + column name
table: "Records", //table name
title: "Region"
lastIndex = ev.query.metadata.length - 1
widget.on("render", function (se, args){
$.each(args.widget.queryResult.$$rows, function(index, value){
value[1].text = value[1].text + ', Region: ' + value[2].text //replace 'Region' with label you want